Friday, December 17, 2010

Getting Into the Gutter

Roof gutters are a functional necessity. They help direct water away from the home avoiding rot, mold splash-back and other undesirable circumstances.

Sometimes, with an integrated design, landscaping can be used to break up water as it falls from the roof placing it into immediate use for nearby plants.

Gutters can become an architectural feature.

Or they can even become an artistic feature.

Unfortunately gutters can also cause a lot of problems, if they are not properly installed and maintained. If gutters and downspouts are not regularly cleaned they can become clogged and back up causing rot on the fascia behind the gutter and the soffit under the gutter.

Though messy, gutters are a maintenance item that can easily be done by the home owner. We recommend cleaning gutters in late December and again in early March. These are just after the two times of year in Central Texas that most leaves fall.

Because of the amount of damage that can be caused without it, we provide gutter cleaning services for our regular customers. If you are agile and motivated this is a good way to spend a couple hours getting intimate with your home.

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